pretty cool!
good work man!!!!!!!!!!!1
pretty cool!
good work man!!!!!!!!!!!1
fun fun fun
man it gets harder but that does not take the fun away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a great game
for once im proud of pikachu
kill thatmisty great job pikachu you know that im the real creator of pico!?
very good
very good that's all i can say
kick butt game
all i have to say is best game so far great job McFretN!
fun for everyone!
it was so funny when i found out it was regis. That blew my head off! Other than that he must of put some effort in it not like combat instinct2 nothing is that good. it was funny when you click on hear instructions box it sounded like eminem said that. I rcommend this one!
Who is your daddy? And what does he do?
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/13/01